Sunday, January 8, 2017

Vanilla Congress

Panel 1- Raphael: " Stan, those congressmen are too much! They asked stupid questions! "
Panel 2- Raphael: " They didn't even talked about why they invited Vanilla Puson to the hearing "
Panel 3- Raphael: " They gave more importance to how Vanilla breathes.. inhale.. exhale..inhale.."

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Vanilla Congress

Vanilla Congress

Panel 1- Cong Adonis: " Miss Vanilla, what is the size of your waistline, if I may ask? "
Panel 2- Vanilla Puson: " Why don't you measure it yourself so you will know.."
Panel 3- Cong Adonis: " AAARGH! What kind of Congress is this?! Not anyone has a tape measure!!"

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Vanilla Congress

Panel 1- Clerk: " Miss Vanilla Puson, do you swear to tell the whole truth.."
Panel 2- Congressman: " Miss Vanilla, may I request you to remain standing? "
                        Vanilla: " Why, sir? "
Panel 3- Congressman: " Because we won't be able to see your beautiful flat stomach
                                      when you are sitting down."

Monday, January 2, 2017

Vanilla Congress

Panel 1- Raphael: " Stan, so that is Vanilla Puson.. she's not so pretty but there is an aura
                              about her flat stomach.."
Panel 2- Stanley: " Exactly, Raphael.. that's why they call her Vanilla Puson! "
Panel 3- Stanley: " And her fondness of wearing half shirts made Imee complain about
                             unfair competition that's why Congress invited her.."

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Vanilla Congress

Panel 1- Raphael: " The congressmen promised they will change their ways in investigating Vanilla Puson.."
               Stanley: " Here comes Vanilla Puson! "
Panel 2- Congressmen doing the wolf whistle/cry when they saw Vanilla Puson
Panel 3- Raphael: " They have changed, Stan.." ( literally )