Monday, September 30, 2013

Honorable Pork

Panel 1- Raphael: " Cong Grafar, it's important to a Congressman like you to have integrity."
Panel 2- Cong Grafar: " I don't know, Raphael.. I am confused.."
                     Raphael: " But why?"
Panel 3- Cong Grafar ( pointing to a sign on the wall ): " Because of that!"

Friday, September 27, 2013

Honorable Pork

Panel 1- Stan: " Raphael, your government will find it hard to win the plunder case against the pork barrel scammers.."
Panel 2- Stan: " You will be fighting the likes of Senators Enrile, Estrada and Revilla.."
        Raphael: " It's ok.."
Panel 3- Raphael: " They will face PNoy's Fab Four.. De Lima, Morales, Pulido-Tan and Henares.."

Note: Leila de Lima is the Secretary of Dept of Justice, Conchita Carpio Morales is the Ombudsman, Grace Pulido Tan is the Head of the Commission on Audit and Kim Henares heads the Bureau of Internal Revenue. All of them were appointed by President Aquino who strongly believed that if you want something done give it to a woman..

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Honorable Pork

Panel 1- Raphael: " Stanley Nicodemon, I notice you're on the side of the pork barrel scammers.."
                   Stan: " Of course, Raphael.."
Panel 2- Stan: " That's why I came down to earth to recruit candidates to Hell.."
Panel 3- Stan: " And their likes are most welcome to us.."

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Honorable Pork

Panel 1- Raphael: " Stan, most of our Lawmakers are already millionaires.."
Panel 2- Raphael: " Why do they have to steal from the public's coffer?"
Panel 3- Stan: " Raphael, maybe they are just greedy so we have to understand them.."

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Honorable Pork

Panel 1- Reporter: " Bishop Equis, what can you say about the pork barrel scam?"
Panel 2- Bishop Equis: " It's not only the last administration who took part of it. Even this administration of PNoy is also involved.."
Reporter: " Do you have evidence?"
Panel 3- Bishop Equis: " I have spiritual power given to me by God so I know who is at fault and who is not.."

Monday, September 23, 2013

Honorable Pork

Panel 1- Speaker introducing Senator Curapin
Panel 2- Audience: " Did I hear it right? Will you repeat what you said!"
Panel 3- Speaker repeating the intro but without mentioning " Honorable "
NOTE: Because of the pork barrel scam, lawmakers are viewed by the people as thieves

Friday, September 6, 2013


Panel 1- Raphael: " Senator Curapin, aren't all the investigations done by the Senate is ' in aid of legislation '?
Panel 2- Raphael: " Did anything good came out from the Senate investigations?"
     Senator Curapin: " There is!"
Panel 3- Senator Curapin: " We were seen on live TV, heard on radios and read on every newspapers.."

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Panel 1- Raphael: " Senator Curapin, aren't you going to appear tomorrow in the Senate investigation of the pork barrel scam?"
Panel 2- Senator Curapin: " I want to appear just to clear my name but they haven't invited me yet.."
Panel 3- Raphael: " Why don't you just go there on your own?"
  Senator Curapin: " Why don't you just go home?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Panel 1- Raphael: " Cong Grafar.. you might be involved in the pork barrel scam that's why you couldn't
       Cong Grafar: " Not true, Raphael.."
Panel 2- Cong Grafar: " I am a Congressman but I only steal a little because I'm also scared.."
Panel 2- Raphael: " Afraid of God?"
       Cong Grafar: " Afraid of my wife!"

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Panel 1- Raphael: " Cong Grafar, why are your eyes red? Do you have sore eyes?"
Panel 2- Cong Grafar: " Not really, Raphael.. I just couldn't sleep.."
                    Raphael: " Maybe you have insomnia?"
              Cong Grafar: " No.."
Panel 3- Cong Grafar: " Who among the Senators and Congressmen could sleep now when the COA is investigating the pork barrel scam.."

NOTE: COA is Commission on Audit

Monday, September 2, 2013


Panel 1- Cong Gee: " I can't understand it.. up to now we haven't receive our pork barrel allocation.."
Panel 2- Cong Gee: " Cong Grafar, why are you getting pork barrel but we don't?"
Panel 3- Cong Grafar: " It's because you're on the other side of the fence.."

Note: Congressmen that belong to the opposition do not get their pork barrel allocation 100% unlike those with the Administration

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Panel 1- Cong Epal: " Cong Grafar, the reporter who is always attacking you is in the hospital.."
           Cong Grafar: " Yeah, I heard.."
Panel 2- Cong Grafar: " Even though he's always against me, I always pray for him.."
                 Cong Epal: " Really? "
Panel 3- Cong Grafar: " I pray that the Lord will get him.. ASAP! "