Friday, December 20, 2013

Ang Pasko ay Sumapit

Panel 1- Cong Grafar's close in security checking the surrounding: " Clear! "
Panel 2- Stan: " Cong Grafar, looks like your security people are guarding you tight..
                         Is there a threat on your life?"
Panel 3- Grafar: " They're just making sure there are no Godchildren waiting for me to come out of the house.."

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ang Pasko ay Sumapit

Panel 1- Raphael: " The spirit of Christmas is in giving.."
Panel 2- Stan: " In plain  english, 'It's better to give than to receive'.."
Panel 3- Stan: " Am I right, Manny?"
          Manny: " Exactly!"

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ang Pasko ay Sumapit

Panel 1- Teacher Grace: " Son, do you know that Santa Clause spend the whole year preparing gifts for the children?"
Panel 2- Son: " It's not true, mother.."
              Teacher Grace: " What? Why?"
Panel 3- Son: " Because I always see  him at the Malls.."

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ang Pasko ay Sumapit

Panel 1- Teacher Grace: " Hay, Mare.. when December comes, children remember Santa Clause more
                                        than Jesus.."
Panel 2- Teacher Grace: "  And when the Holy Week comes, people tend to forget the suffering
                                         of our Lord.."
Panel 3- Mareng Kris: " Sorry, Mare.. I can't comment on that because we were at Boracay last Holy Week.."

Monday, December 16, 2013

Ang Pasko ay Sumapit

Panel 1- Teacher Grace: " Children, Christmas is coming.."
Panel 2- Teacher Grace: " Do you know who are we waiting for this Christmas?"
                           Pupils: " Yes, Ma'm!"
Panel 3- Teacher Grace: " Who?"
                           Pupils: " Santa Clause!"

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Ang Pasko ay Sumapit

Panel 1- Police Chief: " Alright, men.. Christmas is coming.."
Panel 2- Police Chief: " It's forbidden to greet the motorists with " Merry Christmas "..Is that clear?!"
          Police Officers: " Yes. sir!"
Panel 3- Officer Kotong approaching a motorist:  " Ser, Happy New Year!!"

Friday, December 13, 2013

Ang Pulitiko

Panel 1- Stan: " Raphael, if politicians are vampires they should have melted under the sun.."

Panel 2- Raphael: " Stan, have you seen a Congressman or a Senator walking on the streets?"
Panel 3- Raphael: " They always ride a heavily tinted car from their house to congress and back because sunlight is bad for them."

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ang Pulitiko

Panel 1- Raphael: " Stan, politicians are not ogres.."
Panel 2- Raphael: " They are vampires!"
                   Stan: " Vampires?! What made you say that?"
Panel 3- Raphael: " Because they suck the blood out of every Filipino so they can live in luxury and rule the country.."

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ang Pulitiko

Panel 1- Stan: " Raphael, I think politicians are ogres.."
        Raphael: " Why did you say that?"
Panel 2- Stan: " Because they don't age even though they're in their position for so long.."
Panel 3- Stan: " Also it takes a long time for them to die!"

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ang Pulitiko

Panel 1- Nosy friend: " Cong Sumido, you seemed to be in deep thought.."
          Cong Sumido : " You're right.."
Panel 2- Cong Sumido: " I borrowed money before the election for my candidacy.."
Panel 3- Cong Sumido: " Now I don't know how to pay my debts because the pork barrel was abolished.."

Monday, December 9, 2013

Ang Pulitiko

Panel 1-Larry: " Isn't that Cong Grafar?"
             Curly: " It's him.."
Panel 2- Moe: " He lost a lot of weight. Must be his work in Congress.."
Panel 3- Curly: " Who among the congressmen will not lose weight when their pork barrel was taken away.."

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Ang Pulitiko

Panel 1- Woman crying: " You don't know how painful it is to lose a child, Huhuhu..."
Panel 2- Man crying: " You don't know how hard it is to lose your house in a fire, Huhuhu.."
Panel 3- Grafar crying: " You don't know how painful it is when your pork barrel is taken away from you, Huhuhu..."

Friday, December 6, 2013

Relief Goods

Panel 1- What the pilot saw from the Helicopter after the supertyphoon
Panel 2- What the pilot saw from the Helicopter after relief goods were delivered
Panel 3- What the pilot saw from the Helicopter reinforced his belief that politicians have no souls

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Relief Goods

Panel 1- Critic: " We are going to impeach you P-Nonoy
        P-Nonoy: " Who are you going to replace me with?"
Panel 2- P-Nonoy: " Jejemar?, Mars?, Makoy?, Oldman?, Pretty Boy?, Sexy?"
Panel 3- Critic: " Anderson Cooper!"

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Relief Goods

Panel 1- Radio announcement: " Flash report! A miracle happened in the repacking of relief goods in a Municipality.."
Panel 2- Official: " It's true, Sir! I personally saw those boxes of corned beef when they were delivered here last night.."
Panel 3- Supervisor: " Where's the miracle you were saying?"
                   Official: " Well, those boxes of corned beef became Sardines!"

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Relief Goods

Panel 1- Stan: " Jejemar, aren't you worried that Mars is always on radio and television?"
         Jejemar: " Nope.."
Panel 2- Raphael: " Even the CNN already interviewed him.."
              Jejemar: " It's ok.."
Panel 3- Jejemar: " Everytime he talks the more he's going selfie.."
                   Stan: " Se.. selfie?!"
              Jejemar: " Yes.. self destruct!"
Note: Mars should know the saying about less talk equals less mistake, more talk...

Monday, December 2, 2013

Relief Goods

Panel 1- Enteng Prenur: " Sir, buy now! All our products are imported! Buy now!"..
Panel 2- Stan: " How do we know your products are really imported?"
Panel 3- Enteng Prenur: " They all came from this boxes!"..

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Relief Goods

Panel 1- Sad Man: " Haay.. this is the life of a typhoon victim.. surrounded by filth and garbage.."
Panel 2- Sad Man: " Even our children are now getting sick.."
Panel 3- Stan: " Why don't you clean your surroundings?"
              Sad Man: " What?! It's the job of the MMDA!
Note: MMDA is Metro Manila Development Authority that handles traffic/garbage problems

Friday, November 29, 2013

Sir Francis

Panel 1- Old Lady: " Exuse me, may I pass?"
Panel 2- Sir Francis : " Where are you going, Grandma?"
                Grandma: : " I'm going to cross Commonwealth Avenue.."
Panel 3- Sir Francis: " Aren't you afraid crossing 16 lanes of highway with fast vehicles?"
                Grandma: " The Lord will take care of me.."
Note: Some people put their faith in God in unusual ways

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sir Francis

Panel 1- Stan: " It seemed no matter what you do, you're still on the losing end, Sir Francis.."
Panel 2- Sir Francis: " That's how it is in this country, Stan and Raphael.. if I don't do anything, they will say many bad things about me.."
Panel 3- Sir Francis: " And if I do something they will still say bad things about me.."

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sir Francis

Panel 1- Stan: " Sir Francis, you planted plants with thorns ( to discourage jaywalkers ) but it has no effect.."
Panel 2- Sir Francis: " It's because jaywalkers are thick-faced so they are not ashamed to cross the street even though it's not allowed.."
Panel 3- Stan: " They are also thick skinned so they don't feel pain from the thorns of the plants.."

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sir Francis

Panel 1- Stan: " Sir Francis, you built Footbridges ( for the pedestrians so they will not cross the street ) but
                         they don't use them.."
Panel 2- Pedestrian A: " The footbridges are too high. You should have installed Escalators.."
Panel 3- Pedestrian B: " There are too many vendors on the footbridges, we cannot pass.."
NOTE: No matter what you do, people will still complain

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sir Francis

Panel 1- Stan: " He ( Sir Francis ) built a fence in the middle of the road but pedestrians climb over it.."
Panel 2- Sir Francis: " That's why I made the fence higher so they won't be able to climb over it.."
                       Stan: " Of course, Sir Francis.."
Panel 3- Stan: " .. but they dug a tunnel under it.."
NOTE: Government is doing things to make crossing the streets/ highways safely. Filipino pedestrians are one of a kind as Sir Francis finds out

Sir Francis

Panel 1- Stan: " I admire Sir Francis' fighting spirit against pedestrians of Commonwealth Avenue.."
Panel 2- Stan: " He put up signages against Jaywalkers.."
Panel 3- Satan: " ... and he was accused of being anti poor..."

NOTE: Sir Francis Tolentino is the Chair of the MMDA ( Metropolitan Manila Development Authority ) that handles traffic of the metro cities

Friday, November 22, 2013

Delikadeza 2

Panel 1- Cong Grafar: " Compadre Joe, please don't vote for me on the coming Election 2016?"
          Compadre Joe: " No way!"
Panel 2- Compadre Joe: " You are my Godfather when I got married, you are the Godfather of my youngest                                          son, you gave scholarship to my daughter..."
Panel 3- Compadre Joe: " .. you buried my father and you gave me a job through recommendation.."

NOTE:  Politicians are the master of wooing voters to get their votes

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Delikadeza 2

Panel 1- Cong Grafar: " Raphael, Stan.. I know what you are implying but I can't do anything.."
Panel 2- Cong Grafar: " Is it my fault that I win every election?"
Panel 3- Cong Grafar: " The fault lies on those who voted for me like my Kumpadre Joe.."

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Delikadeza 2

Panel 1- Stan: " Senator Curapin, many years ago, government officials have Delikadeza ( delicateness or moral values )
Panel 2- Stan: " But now it disappeared in our government officials.."
        Curapin:  " It's ok.."
Panel 3- Curapin: " Just like the weather ( meaning times change )"

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Delikadeza 2

Panel 1- Stan: " Cong Grafar, do you know that public office is public trust?"
  Cong Grafar: " Of course.."
Panel 2- Cong Grafar: " That's why I'm happy for those who voted for me.."
                          Stan: " What do you mean?"
Panel 3- Cong Grafar: " I have a big public trust.."

Monday, November 18, 2013

Delikadeza 2

Panel 1- Stan: " Cong Grafar, do you know that in Japan, when an official did something wrong they commit Hara Kiri ( suicide )?"
Panel 2- Cong Grafar: " I am also like that, Stan, Raphael.. feeling Japanese when I did something wrong.."
Panel 3- Cong Grafar: " That's why I punish myself by eating Sushi and Sashimi.."

Delikadeza 2

Panel 1- Before, government officials have Delikadeza ( Delicateness ) in doing their work. Just a hint of wrong doing will make them resign their position.
Panel 2- Not Anymore
              Government officials' mantra when confronted with issues: " Only the President can tell me to resign"..
Panel 3- And the eternal defense of officials involve in scandals: " I serve at the pleasure of the President"

Friday, November 15, 2013


Panel 1- Raphael: " Father Dom, your homily about people giving way to each other is beautiful.."
         Father Dom: " Thank you!"
Panel 2- Stan: " Problem is not all of the parishioners understood what you said.."
      Father Dom: " Why?"
Panel 3- Stan: : Because they are still wanting to get ahead of the others to the exit gate..

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Panel 1- Voice over #1: " Wow! Cong Grafar is donating one thousand pesos!"
Panel 2- Voice over #2: " The only thing is he takes some time before he let go.."
              Voice over #1: " Huh? Why?"
Panel 3- Voice over #2: " Because he wanted to make sure lots of people saw it before letting go of the money.."

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Panels 1 and 2- Showing church collection
Panel 3- Raphael ( cannot contain himself ): " What's the matter?! Only loose change?! You're all tightwads when it comes to our Lord!"

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Panel 1- Raphael: " Stan, isn't it right that the church has a dress code?"
                   Stan: " That's right.."
Panel 2- Stan: " The dress code were posted on the church doors so every churchgoers will know.."
        Raphael: " What happened?"
Panel 3- Stan: " Raphael, when did the Pinoys follow rules?"

Monday, November 11, 2013


Panel 1- Tikboy: " Wow! You're all wearing summer outfit!"
Panel 2- Tikboy: " What beach are you going to?"
              Boboy: " None.."
Panel 3- Boboy: " We're going to church!"

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Panel 1- Mrs Grafar: " Honey, we're late for the mass!"
            Cong Grafar: " Just a minute!"
Panel 2- Cong Grafar: " Lord, if you can show me my missing wallet, I will go to church everyday and..."
Panel 3- Cong Grafar ( after seeing his wallet on top of the side table ): " Lord, disregard my request, I have already found my wallet.."

Friday, November 8, 2013

Baranggay Elections ATBP

Panel 1- Stan: " Superman is the idol of macho men!"
        Raphael: " And Wonder Woman?"
Panel 2- Stan: " Wonder Woman is the idol of strong women!"
        Raphael: " And Captain Barbell?"
Panel 3- Stan and Raphael: " He's the idol of the Lawmakers!"

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Baranggay Elections ATBP

Panel 1- Stan: " That is what the Tourists call " Man in a Barrel " and it's made in Baguio.."
Panel 2- Raphael: " Hey, this barrel is different! It has a cape and it's full of money.."
Panel 3- Stan: " That is what the Pinoys now call ' Captain Barrel ' "
NOTE: Captain Barrel refers to a Senator involved in the pork barrel scam. He's an actor and starred in a movie called ' Captain Barbell '

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Baranggay Elections ATBP

Panel 1- Doctor: " Here's the payment to my income tax.."
          Collector: " Thank you very much, Doctor!"
Panel 2- Doctor: " I hope with the money I paid, it will help the needy.."
           Collector: " Of course!"
Panel 3- Collector: " With the money you paid for your tax, we can already buy 1 kilo of rice and 3 packs of noodles.."
Note: BIR is Bureau of Internal Revenue. BIR says Doctors are one of the tax cheats among professionals

Monday, November 4, 2013

Baranggay Elections ATBP

Panel 1- Rich Girl: " Poor Boy, our Baranggay Captain won again. This is his third term already.."
            Poor Boy: " That's right.."
Panel 2- Poor Boy: " That's why I'm going to his place now.."
               Rich Girl: " To congratulate him?"
              Poor Boy: " No "
Panel 3- Poor Boy: " I just want to see what he looked like.."

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Baranggay Elections ATBP

Panel 1- Tom: " Too bad, our Baranggay Captain lost in the election.."
               Rey: " Good for him.."
Panel 2- Jerry: " It seemed you don't like our Baranggay Captain, Rey.."
Panel 3- Rey: " You know why? We only see him and his guards when soliciting for Christmas.."

Friday, November 1, 2013

Q and A

Panel 1- Raphael: " Senator Curapin, the people know why you insists on recommending projects and it is because you receive 50% kickback out of them.."
Panel 2- Raphael: " Aren't you ashamed what you are doing to the people?"
Panel 3- Senator Curapin: " I have thought of that question for a long long time and my answer is no.."

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Q and A

Panel 1- Raphael: " Cong Grafar, according to our law, your job as a Congressman is to create laws and not get involved in projects.."
Panel 2- Raphael: " Why don't you just follow the law?"
Panel 3- Cong Grafar: " What about you people? You always cross the street where it's not allowed!"

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Q and A

Panel 1- Ryan: " The best writing tool is my Mongol pencil.."
           Russell: " It's no match to my Montblanc pen.."
Panel 2- Ryan: " Can it write underwater?"
           Russell: " Of course not!"
Panel 3- Ryan: " Well, my Mongol can.."

NOTE: Mam Janet is the mastermind of the pork barrell scam that involved Senators and Congressmen

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Q and A

Panel 1- Senator Curapin: " The job of a Senator is to pinpoint projects.."
Panel 2- Cong Grafar: " The job of a Congressman is to pinpoint projects.."
Panel 3- Raphael: " It would be nice if by their pointing, they get the ire of elementals.."
NOTE: There is this Filipino folklore about not pointing to something that's interesting or unusual because the Elementals might not like it and punish you like having long fingers instantly or getting lost on the way..

Monday, October 28, 2013

Q and A

Panel 1- Stan: " Raphael, what is the noble profession?"
        Raphael: " Teacher!.."
Panel 2- Raphael: " What is the Honorable profession?"
                  Stan: " Senator and Congressman!"
Panel 3- Both laughing
Note: Because of the pork barrel scam involving Senators and Congressmen, both houses' image has been damaged beyond repair.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Q and A

Panel 1- Raphael: " What is a Jedi if he doesn't have a lightsaber?"
Panel 2- Raphael: " What is a Batman without Robin?"
Panel 3- Stanley: "  What is a lawmaker if he doesn't have pork barrel?"

Friday, October 25, 2013

Daang Matuwid

Panel 1- Cong Grafar: " I will fight for my right to give scholarships to poor kids.."
Panel 2- Cong Grafar: " I will fight for my right to give medicine to those who are sick and bury those who died.."
Panel 3- Stan:" Lawmakers will fight for everything just so his pork barrel will not be taken away from him..".

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Daang Matuwid

Panel 1- Cong Grafar: " As a Congressman, I know what are the problems in my province at the edge of the Philippines.."
Panel 2- Cong Grafar: " And I also know very well the needs of my constituents.."
Panel 3- Raphael: " Cong Grafar, how would you know when you live here in Global City?"

Note: Bonifacio Global City is a high end place in Metro Manila